company formation Germany

October 12, 2018
Company Formation

Company Formation

If you want to establish a company and start a business in Germany, you should first know what types of companies are common in this country. […]
April 8, 2020

Self-Employment in Germany

Different types of self employment in Germany In practice everyone, even people with citizenship outside the European union could apply to be self employed in Germany. […]
May 4, 2020

Changing the Name and Structure of your Company

For changing the name (Umfirmierung) or structure/legal form (Umwandlung) of your company in Germany, seemingly similar terms are being used, but they apply completely differently. In […]
May 22, 2020

Residence permit for different self employment programs in Germany

If you are based in somewhere outside of Switzerland, European Union (EU), and European Economic Area (EEA) and have already obtained educational and vocational qualifications, you […]
July 9, 2020

The steps of a Business Set-up in Germany

Few Things you must know when setting up a business in Germany as a foreigner Imagine you have a business in your home country and would […]
April 19, 2021
Concessions and permits for the hotel industry in Germany

Concessions and permits for the hotel industry in Germany

There are no strict rules for starting a hotel business in Germany. Anyone can be a hotelier even without vocational training or a proper degree. However, […]
July 5, 2021
Self-employment for students from non-EU countries in Germany

Self-employment for students from non-EU countries in Germany

As a student from a non-EU country in Germany, you may have to work to pay for your studies. Some students tend to work self-employed or […]
July 18, 2021

What is a general partnership or OHG?

General partnership or OHG is one of the types of partnerships or legal forms with the joint liability of partners in Germany, which is usually formed […]
August 20, 2021
Have you ever heard about Prokurist in Germany?

Have you ever heard about Prokurist in Germany?

The prokorist, which has Latin roots, is defined as the legal representative of a company in Germany. As a prokurist (authorized officer) of a limited liability […]
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